condo & association management columbus ohio
Everything your Association Will Need
Myers Real Estate offers a complete array of association management services catered towards streamlining your condo or home owners association and providing a solid source of communication and management of your community.
Association Management
Association Management means protecting the value of every home in your community. We offer expert project management that allows your community to efficiently execute projects to keep your community on track.

Site Visits
Inspection of buildings and grounds monthly, mainteneance request follow-up, and contract performance inspections.

Compliance Inspections
Consistent enforcement of community rules and regulations, tracking of issues, and effective letters mailed to residents.

Loss Control
Maintenance of Association Insurance policy covering buildings and general liability; annual review of policies, requests for proposals, and claims management.

Maintenance & Complaints
Complaint and maintenance request processing and recording, 24-hour emergency maintenance, and development of preventative maintenance plans.

Requests for Proposals
We provide you with a clear image of each of your projects before ever receiving the first estimate to allow you to compare bids apples-to-apples and ultimately save money. We solicit competitive bids and negotiate the terms for you.

Contracted Services
Competitive bidding for landscape and snow removal contracts, refuse collection, alarm monitoring, utilities, and all other service contracts utilizing the same Request-for-Proposal process we are known for, as described above.
Administrative Management
Administrative service is a specialty of ours, since we have staff available at all times to answer the questions of your residents. Transparency and open, candid communication are key elements in our daily function of our condo & HOA association management services. Our prompt responses are not just a courtesy, but an expectation.

Record Maintenance
Owner account maintenance, ongoing record and file retention, preparation and processing of documents for resale and refinance, maintenance of financial reports, files, minutes, insurance policy, Governing Documents, etc.

Resident Services
Prompt Service Order processing and recording, and resident request and complaint processing.

Prompt and informative Association mailings and general correspondence, individual mailings, resident welcome packets, and distribution of newsletters.

Association Meetings
We provide your Annual Meeting notices and prepare and distribute the meeting information to your residents. We present detailed annual reports in formats that are easy to read and understand. We attend your Annual Meetings, and prepare the ballots to allow you to hold a fair and open election. We also attend your monthly Board meetings with detailed agendas and accompanying documents to allow you to make the most informed decisions possible.
Financial Services
Financial Services are another tool used to keep your property on track. Our excellent collection practices get funds collected when they are due, keeping your dues low. Our record speaks for itself; we collect dues like no other association management company around. Take comfort in knowing that our financial services are done in-house to get your community financially prepared for whatever comes next.

Monthly Financial Reports
Statements are delivered to you by the 15th of each month at the latest. These include preparation and distribution of statements of Profit & Loss, the general ledger, and a detailed delinquency list.

Assessment Collection
Whether you pay by check or online, your account will be maintained by our detail-oriented accounting staff. Our staff is also very experienced in following the written policies of the Associations we manage, ensuring that assessments are collected correctly and in a timely manner.

Creation and monitoring of a 12-month estimate of Operating Income & Expenses (operating budget), Reserve Study Review and updates, a yearly maintenance plan, and more.

Prompt Bill-Pay
Review of outstanding invoices on a weekly basis, including ongoing monitoring of amounts payable to ensure that you stay on budget.

Andy, Pam and I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thanks for the time you spent talking to us and putting together a proposal. Your references speak very highly of your work.
John T.
the people have
I highly recommend Andy Myers and his staff at Myers Real Estate. Andy has been very helpful over the years with my real estate needs from helping me buy my first home, to now managing my rental property and eliminating the hassles of being a landlord.
Rick T.

Very professional & talented company. Every employee goes above and beyond to ensure the best possible service. We have been clients with Myers Real Estate for many years and are 100% pleased and satisfied.
Linda S.